03 October 2009

Google Wave: What is it ?

There is a new Google product called Google Wave currently under limited preview. Some of you may have already tried it or at least looked at its video or you may not have any idea about whatsoever. In a simple term it a mashup of emails,documents and social networking. Don't scratch your head. Just go to google and google it! (How ironic !!!). You can look at a video on youtube that explains it in a simple terms. and if you want to get a detailed explanation of it go to Google Wave's website and spare yourself an hour of amazement.

Here is a simple explanation of what you can do with google wave.
For Example you want to know more about Sydeny Opera House. So you start a new wave with this topic and invite your friends. Once they join the wave they can comment on it and everyone who are in the wave can view it and provide their opinion. You will go so whats a big deal here ? You can also share photographs and documents. It can be a really good collaboration platform.

So head out to Google Wave and enjoy it.

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