04 September 2015

Find Distinct Objects from List of Objects using LINQ

To find distinct values from list of values in C# is a one line task by using LINQ's Distinct() method. This works well with primitive types but if you run the same method on List of custom Objects you will not get distinct objects based on its properties. To achieve this you an option to implement IEqualityComparer interface and use it to find distinct objects based on its properties. In the implementation of  Equals method you can define which properties to check for equality.

Below code provides the complete solution to get distinct objects from list of objects.

 using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class Team
        public string Name {get;set;}
        public int Score {get;set;}
        //Create some dummy data with duplicates
        public List<Team> lstTeam = new List<Team>{
        new Team{Name="Brazil", Score=1},
        new Team{Name="Man U", Score=1},
        new Team{Name="Man U", Score=1},
        new Team{Name="Brazil", Score=2},
        new Team{Name="Man U", Score=2},
        new Team{Name="Brazil", Score=2}


    //This is where we use equality comparer implementation to find unique records
     List<Team> lstDistictTeams = lstTeam.Distinct<Team>(new DistinctComparer()).ToList();

     foreach(Team t in lstDistictTeams) // Output Distinct Objects
         Console.WriteLine("Team {0} has Score {1}",t.Name,t.Score);

    //This class provides a way to compare two objects are equal or not
     public class DistinctComparer : IEqualityComparer<Team>
            public bool Equals(Team x, Team y)
                return (x.Name == y.Name && x.Score == y.Score); // Here you compare properties for equality
            public int GetHashCode(Team obj)
                return (obj.Name.GetHashCode() + obj.score.GetHashCode());

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